Urban Intelligence: How Are Cities Using Data to Improve Decision-making?

The pandemic saw cities and regions make innovative use of evidence, data, modelling, and other forms of knowledge when formulating their responses.

This event will highlight examples of good practice, lessons learned, and other takeaways for urban and regional policymakers.

Questions the event will consider include:

How did city policymakers use intelligence to take decisions during the pandemic?
What worked and why? What was less successful?
Which lessons can cities apply to future crises and everyday decision-making?
Speakers will include:

Maryanne Schretzman, Executive Director, Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence, City of New York
Mike Eakins, Intelligence and Policy Manager, Leeds City Council
Dr. Aurel von Richthofen, Arup Germany, ETH-Singapore Centre
Mar Santamaria, Co-Founder, 300.000 km/s, Barcelona


attachment https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/urban-intelligence-how-are-cities-using-data-to-improve-decision-making-tickets-368861784527


International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO)