300,000 Km/s has collaborated in continuing the report on the digital divide in the city. This work is a diagnosis of the level of internet access and the different uses of information and communication technologies (ICT) that aims to measure the level of digitization of citizens and identify their present and future needs and opportunities.
Based on the survey prepared in 2016, the 2020 report updates the key indicators, expands the number of indicators according to the current context and complements the study with data from alternative sources to the main survey, which increases the detail and the scale of the analysis.
The data shows how the connection gap has been significantly reduced in Barcelona over the last four years, and today the number of unconnected households is very small (8%) and is highly concentrated in people over 74 years of age.
They also reflect the most determining factors: age is a factor that conditions access among the older population, but above all the use made of the Internet and ICTs; the educational level and the employment situation influence both the uses and the type of devices used, and income conditions the possibility of teleworking and the resources and skills to continue education online, among others.
On the other hand, the use of ICT has increased in recent months for 62% of the people interviewed as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis. Teleworking, online education and eGovernment are the activities leading this increase.
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