Digital City and Territory

Mar Santamaria, co-founder of 300.000 km/s, participated at the debate on public services organised by Observatorio 2030 CSCAE (Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España) at COAM (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid).

She discussed about the need to put digitalization st the service of citizens with lavio Tejada Gorraiz from Arup, Rubén Rosales Patón from Telefónica and Raffaele Sisto, from Smart & City Solutions. The session was moderated by the director of the Observatorio 2030 CSCAE, Angela Baldellou.
Some of Mar’s interventions have been highlighted in the report of the event:

“Data related to the city must be digitized and used efficiently. We will not be able to work with what we do not know how to digitize. Furthermore, we must include in this ecosystem the citizens, who having very good knowledge of the environment, manage data that can be very valuable for the development of new applications.”

“Business data has incredible potential at the urban level to explain many aspects, such as tourism flows or mobility. In this sense, to achieve effective management, we must look for win-win situations so all parties benefit from it, both the city and the company.”

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