The commonsCity as a sharing space Cities are the scenario of social pacts. From the individual to the collective. Unscrambling MadridHow to describe diversity in a turning point of urban models? Diagnosis of Culture in BarcelonaAn overview of the current state of culture in the city and it's spatial implications. Urban Citizen LearningCitizens training algorithms for sustainable and inclusive cities Urban density in CopenhagenHow to face the challenge of density? Bosque Metropolitano de MadridHow to make cities biodiverse and resilient spaces? Regional Planning Plan for the Territory of CantabriaHow to build a long-term vision for a territory? Air / Aria / AireA change of model Citizen Datafication ToolboxHow do we provide training on data collection and use? Architecture in the Classroom 5.0How do children see the city? Tabacalera’s Cultural EcosystemMeasuring the impact of culture General Theory of UrbanizationHow do we interpret big data from other eras? Diagnosis of Barcelona’s Urban ModelHow to we construct a new narrative for the city? Visualization of the Municipal Action PlanHow do we co-create a municipal plan? Data WarHow do we map regions in conflict? Pedestrian Mobility Patterns on Pere IVWhat determines our choice of route? The Metropolitan MetabolismHow are infrastructures deployed? atNightHow do we draw the nocturnal landscape? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.Ok