New emerging economical activities

Understanding the patterns of the cutting-edge innovation in Barcelona and its metropolitan area

Barcelona Activa has promoted research to identify these activities in emerging areas and classify them according to a taxonomy, which defines the importance of each sector (macro and micro). In addition, the analysis incorporates the spatial location of these activities to observe spatial clustering (density and diversity).

The analysis defines a sample of 2,303 companies (from various data sources), classified between emerging activities and companies that are part of an officially constituted cluster. In addition, the research provides a series of indicators to facilitate public policies and decision-making.

The research also delivers context to the emerging activities: on the one hand, providing the location of universities and research centres in the metropolitan area; on the other, the composition of land uses (based on cadastral data to emphasize the existence of industrial and office land uses), which are crucial for the implementation of productive activities.

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Ajuntament de Barcelona

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