XIV BEAU Awards, Ciutat Vella Land-use Plan

XIV BEAU Awards, Ciutat Vella Land-use Plan (Finalist).

El jurado quiere destacar la calidad de los trabajos premiados en esta categoría “por su aportación al progreso y conocimiento de la cultura arquitectónica, urbana y del paisaje, calidad y creatividad del soporte de edición, diseño gráfico, así como por sus valores sociales”.


  • Barajas de cartas “Un día, una arquitecta” / David Hernández Falagán + Zaida Muxí Martínez
  • Carta Histórica de Barcelona / 300.000 Km/s
  • Garden Atlas / Nomad Garden.S.L


  • Atlas de Turistificación / Ariadna Cantis + 300.000kms
  • Narrando Paisajes: 100 Paisajes Culturales de España / Francisco Arques + Javier Ruiz + Linarejos Cruz + Juan Miguel Hernández León + Concha Lapayese + Miguel Ángel Aníbarro + Nicolás Mariné + Rodrigo de la O. + David Escudero + Ana Belén Berrocal + Marian Leboreiro
  • Global Architectural Political / Alejandro Zaera-Polo + Guillermo Fernández-Abascal
  • Base de datos geo-espacial patrimonial online de carreteras históricas y archivo bibliográfico especializado / Jacques Maes + Mar Loren-Méndez + Daniel Pinzón-Ayala
  • Planur-e. Revista digital sobre territorio, urbanismo, paisaje, sostenibilidad y diseño urbano / María A. Leboreiro Amaro
  • Punta Begoña: un siglo de innovación, investigación y desarrollo aplicado a la arquitectura. Periodo 2016-2017 / Equipo de la recuperación y puesta en valor de las Galerías Punta Begoña
  • IDA: Advanced Doctoral Research in Architecture / Editores: Antonio Tejedor Cabrera, Marta Molina Huelva; Diseño: Pablo Blázquez, María Carrascal, Daniel Longa, Marina López, Francisco Javier Navarro, Gabriel Velasco

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XIV BEAU Awards, Historical Charter of Barcelona

XIV BEAU Awards, Historical Charter of Barcelona (1st Prize)

El jurado quiere destacar la calidad de los trabajos premiados en esta categoría “por su aportación al progreso y conocimiento de la cultura arquitectónica, urbana y del paisaje, calidad y creatividad del soporte de edición, diseño gráfico, así como por sus valores sociales”.


  • Barajas de cartas “Un día, una arquitecta” / David Hernández Falagán + Zaida Muxí Martínez
  • Carta Histórica de Barcelona / 300.000 Km/s
  • Garden Atlas / Nomad Garden.S.L


  • Atlas de Turistificación / Ariadna Cantis + 300.000kms
  • Narrando Paisajes: 100 Paisajes Culturales de España / Francisco Arques + Javier Ruiz + Linarejos Cruz + Juan Miguel Hernández León + Concha Lapayese + Miguel Ángel Aníbarro + Nicolás Mariné + Rodrigo de la O. + David Escudero + Ana Belén Berrocal + Marian Leboreiro
  • Global Architectural Political / Alejandro Zaera-Polo + Guillermo Fernández-Abascal
  • Base de datos geo-espacial patrimonial online de carreteras históricas y archivo bibliográfico especializado / Jacques Maes + Mar Loren-Méndez + Daniel Pinzón-Ayala
  • Planur-e. Revista digital sobre territorio, urbanismo, paisaje, sostenibilidad y diseño urbano / María A. Leboreiro Amaro
  • Punta Begoña: un siglo de innovación, investigación y desarrollo aplicado a la arquitectura. Periodo 2016-2017 / Equipo de la recuperación y puesta en valor de las Galerías Punta Begoña
  • IDA: Advanced Doctoral Research in Architecture / Editores: Antonio Tejedor Cabrera, Marta Molina Huelva; Diseño: Pablo Blázquez, María Carrascal, Daniel Longa, Marina López, Francisco Javier Navarro, Gabriel Velasco

El jurado estuvo integrado por:

  • José Morales. Director de la XIV BEAU
  • Sara de Giles. Directora de la XIV BEAU
  • Fernando Díaz-Pines Mateo. Fundación Arquia
  • Félix Solaguren-Beascoa. Vocal (investigaciones)
  • Carmen Espegel. Vocal (investigaciones)
  • Ferrán Ventura. Vocal (publicaciones y producto)
  • Vicenç Sarrablo. Vocal (publicaciones y producto)
  • Secretaría del Jurado: Gloria Gómez de la Secretaría de la Bienal Española, CSCAE.

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Premi Catalunya d’Urbanisme Manuel de Solà-Morales

The land-use plan of Ciutat Vella has been awarded with the Catalan Urban Planning Prize 2020.

The land-use plan of Ciutat Vella has been awarded with the ‘Premi Catalunya d’Urbanisme Manuel de Solà-Morales’, promoted by the Catalan Society of Town Planning (SCOT). The project was selected by a panel of experts in the fields of architecture, urban planning, environmental design and mobility planning (Alice Lancien, Cristina Gamboa, Elena Amat i Serrano, Juli Esteban, Marc Montlleó, Robert Juvé i Morillo and Nel·la Saborit Esteve).

The jury highlighted the approach of the plan towards a less orthodox and therefore innovative management of the territory, which is based on a massive analysis of micro-data both in of diagnosis as of evaluation of the proposals contained in the Plan. The jury also reinforced how the plan escapes of the classic concept of zoning to establish an innovative system of regulation and argued from the contributions obtained in a complete process of participation.

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Premio Urbanismo Español 2019

Ciutat Vella Land-Use Plan has been awarded with the Spanish Urban Planning Prize.

The Board of Spanish Architects (CSCAE) has selected the Land-use Plan of Ciutat Vella as the best urban planning in Spain during 2020.

The jury has distinguished the “innovative nature” of the master plan “both in its analysis and proposal phase”. Moreover, the plan “takes advantage of the digital tools available to generate a new way of analyzing, representing and regulating uses in the consolidated city.” It “operates on the complexity” of a district “with high residential vulnerability through a flexible and dynamic instrument over time” and “manages to integrate global challenges, such as health and the impact of the derived public activities, among others, tourism and new business models, from the perspective of citizens ”.

The jury for the Spanish Urban Planning Prize has been chaired by the president of the Union of Urban Planning Architect Groups (UAAU), Javier Martínez Callejo. Teresa Verdú Martínez (advisory member of the General Directorate of Architecture, Housing and Land of the Ministry of Development), Matxalen Acasuso (the dean of the Basque-Navarre College of Architects and treasurer of the CSCAE) and the urban architects José María Ezquiaga, Miriam García and Carlos de Riaño (awarded in the previous edition) completed the panel of experts.

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S+T+ARTS Prize ’19

STARTS Prize – Grand prize of the European Commission honoring Innovation in Technology, Industry and Society stimulated by the Arts 2018

Ciutat Vella’s land-use Plan wins S+T+ARTS Prize ’19 awarded by the European Commission

The urban plan that regulates the land uses in the Ciutat Vella district of Barcelona obtains the STARTS Prize 2019 from the European Commission. The award, launched by Ars Electronica, BOZAR and Waag Society, is an initiative that fosters alliances between technology and artistic practice. Annually, it recognizes the most pioneering collaborations in the sphere of creativity and innovation at the intersection between science, technology and art. Specifically, this urban plan has been distinguished with a Grand Prize for Innovative Collaboration for its ability to open new paths for innovation in these areas and generate economic and social impact.

The plan has been drafted by 300.000 km/s (advised by Graciela Chaia, Carlota Casanova and Daniel Lorenzo) in collaboration with the political, technical and legal team of Ciutat Vella district and the Planning Department of the Barcelona City Council -in addition to Raons Públiques cooperative that has developed the participation process. The plan, based on an advanced diagnosis using massive data analysis and citizen participation, reconciles economic and residential activity in the central district with the aim of guaranteeing the quality of live of inhabitants, and as an ultimate goal, the liveability of the city.

In previous editions, the Grand Pize for Innovative Colaboration was awarded to a 3D printed infraestructures, a research about jamming informed by computational design and the prototyping of new artificial skins and bones. This year, the jury composed of renowned personalities of technology, science and art from around the world has given the prize, for the first time, to a public policy of deep technical complexity.

The project will be exhibited in Linz and Brussels, and the award will be presented at a gala to be held within the framework of the Ars Electronica Festival (5 to 9 September 2019). Ars Electronica, which this year celebrates its fortieth anniversary, is the world’s largest platform for art, technology and society. The focus of the festival is always on current developments in technology and possible future scenarios and the question of how these will change our lives.

Happy to be part of a better future!!

2019 Winners

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