Type: awards
European Award AHI
2023 Architectural Heritage Intervention European Award for the regeneration of Gracia's neighbourhood
300.000 km/s collaborated in the regeneration of Gracia’s neighbourhood in Barcelona, an urban planning project leaded by Jornet Llop Pastor Arquitectes.
UIA’s Patrick Abercrombie Prize 2023
Honorable Mention at the UIA's Urban Planning and Design Prize
The International Union of Architects has recognised the significant impact of 300.000 Km/s urban planning and design work with an Honourable Mention for the UIA’s Patrick Abercrombie Prize for Urban Planning and Design.
Named after the first UIA President, Sir Patrick Abercrombie (known for his role in the post-war reconstruction of Great Britain), the Prize recognises exemplary works of urban and regional planning and design since it was first awarded in 1961.
This year jury was formed by José Luis Cortés (UIA’s directors) and the architects Li Xiaodong, Jan Gehl, Anupama Kundoo, Ashraf M. Salama, Carin Smuts, Nadia Tromp.
The Jury praised the seriousness of our research and reflections and commended ‘our understanding of cities and approach to a number of central cities planning issues that need to be addressed today amid the race against time in the face of climate change‘.
Related links
Innovadata prize
atNight wins the first BBVA-Civio Innovadata Prize
atNight project has been acknowledged by BBVA and Civio Foundation in the first edition of International Data Journalism Prize Innovadata in the category of Best Visualization. InnovaData is a new international data journalism and visualization prize that promotes the value of data journalism in the context of the information society and technological innovation.
The jury, composed of leading professionals in the field of journalism, has awarded the project atNight in the category for best visualization. This pioneering project illustrates the possibilities offered by new information technologies and Big Data to design both more efficient and collaborative of our cities. Over the next years we should redesign, reconfigure and rebuild our cities. Cities must be adapted to the society arising from the economic crisis. Our ability to transform our cities according to this new context will be the key to prepare a prosperous future in terms of human, social and economic development.
Historically, cartography has empowered citizenship. It allows societies to use their territory consciously, controlling the space in their favour. However, urban planners are still using topographic maps or other generic statistics to address the planning of our urban environments. We should develop new tools to capture the ephemeral and to understand what happens beyond the shape of the streets. We’re talking about achieving greater efficiency in urban activities and a better manage of energy consumption during the night time by means of representing the real interactions between citizens and their city.
Related projects
Young Architects Association AJAC IX Award
Cartographies of nightscapes using the Big Data (1st Prize)
Young Architects Association AJAC IX Award, Big Time Bcn (1st Prize).
Ajac X Prize
Geographies of Innovation and the Historic Charter of Barcelona won the AJAC X Prize
The Catalan Association of Young Architects (AJAC-COAC) awards prizes to Geographies of Innovation and the Historic Charter of Barcelona.
The biennial X AJAC Awards for Young Architects (20th Aniversary edition) have been awarded last week. The Catalan Association of Young Architects awarded the paper “How urban fabric fosters knowledge transfer and innovation: the example of Barcelona” in the category of articles. Originally published by the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), the paper presents the initial findings of the research Geographies of Innovation. The jury also awarded the Historic Charter of Barcelona in the category “Architecture dissemination”.
We thank our colleagues of AJAC for supporting young architects and carrying an essential task in the promotion of new fields of research and action in Architecture!
Cityvis Prize
Three projects shortlisted for the prize
In the lead-up to the UN conference Habitat III, the open call Visualizing Cities requested submissions of the best city visualizations conceived by designers, researchers and practitioners around the world. The entries were carefully reviewed by an international program committee of experts from urban studies, visualization research and media outlets. The selected and winning entries were presented at the event and exhibition space Habitat X Change during Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador.
Big Time Bcn, Open Papers and Geographies of Innovation were shortlisted for the Cityvis Award and were shown in Quito Habitat III space along with the Historic Charter of Barcelona, the Digital Divide and Bcn Dynamics.
ODI Awards
Open Papers project
Delighted to be nominee for the Open Data Institute Awards in the category of Innovation with Open Papers! Open Papers deals with mapping homelessness via collective/crowsourced data collection.
The awards were held on 1 November 2016 at the BFI Southbank, in the framework of the Open Data Institute Summit.
Related projects
Lluís Carulla Award
Traces, awarded as an model of cultural transformation
Our project Traces has been awarded with the 2nd prize in the Lluis Carulla Award 2018 promoted by Fundació Carulla. Traces is a digital platform to document the collective memory that aims at engaging public bodies, professionals and citizenship to interact with heritage.
The jury included relevant representatives in the field of culture such as Emilio Álvarez (Àngels Barcelona and LOOP festival), Núria Basi (Netmentora Catalunya), Laia Gasch (London City Council), Isona Passola (filmaker), Ricard Robles (co-founder of Sonar Festival), Jordi Sellas (digital and cultural advisor), Joan Sala (cofounder of Verkami) and Nicolau Brossa (president of Fundació Carulla).
Related projects
XIV BEAU Awards, Touristification
XIV BEAU Awards, Touristification (Finalist).
El jurado quiere destacar la calidad de los trabajos premiados en esta categoría “por su aportación al progreso y conocimiento de la cultura arquitectónica, urbana y del paisaje, calidad y creatividad del soporte de edición, diseño gráfico, así como por sus valores sociales”.
- Barajas de cartas “Un día, una arquitecta” / David Hernández Falagán + Zaida Muxí Martínez
- Carta Histórica de Barcelona / 300.000 Km/s
- Garden Atlas / Nomad Garden.S.L
- Atlas de Turistificación / Ariadna Cantis + 300.000kms
- Narrando Paisajes: 100 Paisajes Culturales de España / Francisco Arques + Javier Ruiz + Linarejos Cruz + Juan Miguel Hernández León + Concha Lapayese + Miguel Ángel Aníbarro + Nicolás Mariné + Rodrigo de la O. + David Escudero + Ana Belén Berrocal + Marian Leboreiro
- Global Architectural Political / Alejandro Zaera-Polo + Guillermo Fernández-Abascal
- Base de datos geo-espacial patrimonial online de carreteras históricas y archivo bibliográfico especializado / Jacques Maes + Mar Loren-Méndez + Daniel Pinzón-Ayala
- Planur-e. Revista digital sobre territorio, urbanismo, paisaje, sostenibilidad y diseño urbano / María A. Leboreiro Amaro
- Punta Begoña: un siglo de innovación, investigación y desarrollo aplicado a la arquitectura. Periodo 2016-2017 / Equipo de la recuperación y puesta en valor de las Galerías Punta Begoña
- IDA: Advanced Doctoral Research in Architecture / Editores: Antonio Tejedor Cabrera, Marta Molina Huelva; Diseño: Pablo Blázquez, María Carrascal, Daniel Longa, Marina López, Francisco Javier Navarro, Gabriel Velasco