We create interactive digital platforms that display information, visualise complex indicators and generate narratives with data.
Data platforms
We create data storytellings
Policy assesment
We help to build consensus
We support public administrations and other agents that operate in cities in the drafting of information-based policies.
In a continuous feedback process, we define the topics and hypothesis of analysis through a comprehensive diagnosis. We propose strategies, recommendations and action plans to help the involved stakeholders to implement the most appropriate policies, with special emphasis on their spatialization.
Integrated diagnosis
We describe urban challenges
We contribute complexity to urban and territorial diagnosis through the incorporation of new sources of information (open and massive data) and the spatial analysis of the information. We quantify sociodemographic and economical aspects of the territory to provide a departure point for future planning proposals.
Spatial observatories
We help to understand cities trough data
In a context of unstoppable digitisation, current decision-making processes need to evolve in order to integrate data flows, that include both existing information and incorporate new sources with the ultimate goal of addressing the complexity of contemporary urban phenomena.
We identify the most relevant data sources to describe key urban challenges while detecting the information gaps. We advise on how to manage, store and structure the information throughout the data lifecycle process. We also design methodologies to incorporate data when there is a lack of it.
We generate knowledge and indicators based on information, mainly to help defining the potential of each data sources to address specific urban challenges. We create data observatories to browse and visualise the information.
We identify the most relevant data sources to describe key urban challenges while detecting the information gaps. We advise on how to manage, store and structure the information throughout the data lifecycle process. We also design methodologies to incorporate data when there is a lack of it.
We generate knowledge and indicators based on information, mainly to help defining the potential of each data sources to address specific urban challenges. We create data observatories to browse and visualise the information.
Policy drafting
We develop informed public policies
Fueled by massive information (open data and big data) and complemented with qualitative data arising from citizen participation, we develop policies aimed at tackling cutting-edge challenges at the urban and territorial scale such as urban regeneration, dynamic land-use or carbon neutrality. We also include in the policy-making the principiples of the New Urban Agendas principles from an integrated point of view.
We use the new data technologies(spatial analysis based on machine learning and artificial intelligence) to change the framework and tools of urban and territorial planning. We develop diagnostic, prognostic and simulation strategies that make the planning process more accurate, traceable and dynamic.
We use the new data technologies(spatial analysis based on machine learning and artificial intelligence) to change the framework and tools of urban and territorial planning. We develop diagnostic, prognostic and simulation strategies that make the planning process more accurate, traceable and dynamic.
Engaged with better cities